Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Genetic Engineering in Humans Essay

?Genetic Engineering in Humans: How the concerns of the past shape our thoughts for the future It is human nature to be fascinated by the unknown, to conceive radical ideas and to use humanity’s undying curiosity to fuel investigation into areas which previously were a mystery. Genetic engineering in humans is one such example of a field whose idea emerged countless generations ago and intrigued the likes of many scientists, philosophers and writers, throughout history. However not until the technological revolution of the twentieth century, did the research and ethical debate on this subject begin to take a more practical perspective, as the tools necessary to study the intricacies of living structures were developed. The concept of genetic engineering has sparked an ongoing debate regarding the bioethical concerns of this field, which focus strongly on the ethics involved in tampering with the work of Mother Nature and its possible consequences. However this has not been a topic for scientists alone. Throughout history, the minds of fictional literature have provided countless examples of a genetically engineered world; in several cases presenting a dystopian rendition of society, a clear symbol of what they believe to be the consequence of human intervention with the natural discourse of nature. The ethical issues surrounding human genetic engineering, such as genetic discrimination, a loss of human autonomy and the more profound concepts which threaten to redefine what it means to be a human, have universal value, paralleling the concerns of today. This suggests the paramount significance of exploring ethical issues and the consequences of human genetic engineering, as history implies that such concepts will continue to resonate through time. This essay will examine how the literary texts of the past have helped shape our ethical perspective on genetic engineering today. In essence genetic engineering is the manipulation of an organism’s hereditary material [1]. The goal in creating such genetically altered beings is not only to eradicate disease, but to create a population which carries only the most desirable physical and behavioural traits and has the ability to pass on such traits to future generations [3]. However the treatment of diseases does not create public anxiety, rather it is the concept of eugenics and gene determinism. Eugenics is essentially ‘any attempt to accelerate human evolution by improving the genetic makeup of humans† [1]. Eugenics however cannot succeed unless society accepts some degree of the genetic determinism ideology which perceives that all individuals are â€Å"inevitable consequences of the biochemical properties of their cells† and so their â€Å"characteristics are uniquely determined by the constituents of their genes† [1]. Ethically this theory seeks to disregard the true essence of human self definition and integrity, eliminating the significance of such immaterial characteristics as self awareness, will power and human spirit. Additionally, an ethical problem surrounding eugenics is that it is human directed evolution, where individuals set the course of evolution depending on chosen ‘desirable’ and ‘undesirable’ traits. As philosopher Jurgen Habermas states â€Å"it seems reasonable to allow this in the case of a purely preventive intervention in order to avert diseases (â€Å"negative eugenics†). It becomes questionable, however, when it is a case of fitting out a child with certain desirable characteristic (â€Å"positive eugenics†) [1]. This statement alludes to several ethical dilemmas which can arise from a society thriving on the application of positive eugenics. From a virtue ethics standpoint, the application of positive eugenics suggests that the accessibility of genetic manipulation will be limited to those parents who can afford it, thus creating discrimination between sectors of society. If a technology is available to eliminate disease and achieve a â€Å"better† quality of life, should it not be available to all individuals in so to create an egalitarian society which is indiscriminate? Furthermore, how does the implications of such a technology impact upon the individuals sense of privacy and individualism? A world of positive eugenics would suggest an adoption of the gene determinist theory which proposes that all traits and behaviour are ingrained within our genes and thus are not influenced by any other external factors. In such a world, genetic analysis would be open, rendering a complete breakdown of the moral boundaries which hide our genetic makeup from the outside world. People could be tested, controlled and manipulated when access of their hereditary material is in the hands of others, violating their right to privacy. George Wald offers one view of the ethical debate stating that, â€Å"[genetic engineering] faces our society with problems unprecedented†¦ It places in human hands the capacity to redesign living organisms†¦ It presents probably the largest ethical problem that science has ever had to face† [7]. However scientist James D. Watson claims that â€Å"until a tiger devours you, you don’t know that the jungle is dangerous† [7]. In essence, there is a conflict of interest between the possibility of eradicating life threatening diseases and the ethical consequences which may arise from using the technology to alter the evolutionary process for mankind’s own benefit. As a society we must see this as a cost-benefit analysis, where we weigh the proposed advantages of genetic engineering against the possible and in many cases unforseen, consequences. Profoundly the main issue is of self-definition. From an ethical perspective, the true essence of human nature is challenged by the proposed applications of genetic engineering. With these ethical issues in mind, we can see that certain measures must be taken to contain the ethical consequences of genetic engineering to a manageable level and not let the technology overcome our sense of self, compassion and humanity. This will only be successful however, if the key issues are examined prior to genetic engineering becoming mainstream, as when such technology is unleashed to the public it cannot be uninvented. Therefore those in the field of science and engineering must ensure that their research and experimentation adheres to all regulations outlined in the Code of Ethics. Engineering practitioners must â€Å"act on the basis of a well informed conscience† [8] as well as â€Å"respect the dignity of all persons† [8] when carrying out research and experimentation. When faced with unique bioethical concerns emerging from previously uncharted areas of technology, society turns to the scientists and engineers to offer their technocratic decision regarding the new concept. This is the case presently faced by genetic engineering. The engineer in this situation becomes a model of a guardian, social servant and social enabler to humanity, who not only predicts the direction this field will take in the future, but analyses the potential consequences of genetic engineering and helps society to understand its own needs and develop moral autonomy. In this way the engineer is governed by strict ethical codes to â€Å"be honest and trustworthy† [8] as well as â€Å"practise engineering to foster the health, safety and wellbeing of the community and the environment† [8] as well as other stakeholders involved. It can be useful to explore such notions in literature, where the scientist or engineer has experimented without considering the potential consequences of their actions, resulting in an imbalance of the natural order of life. Such is the case in Mary Shelly’s ‘Frankenstein’, where the experimenter did not â€Å"act on the basis of adequate knowledge† [8] as the Code of Ethics outlines, but instead allowed human curiosity to rule, tampering with inanimate organisms to produce new a life form. The strong ethical dilemma posed by this novel is that when such organisms are created what are their rights and how do we determine their humanity? The situation developed in Frankenstein is one of blind sightedness, where the unforeseen consequences of the social experimentation are so detrimental to society that they eventually become the undoing of the experimenter. The text explores the ethical ideas that society should uphold certain virtues when dealing with Mother Nature and that the organisms we alter have certain rights just like other member of society. Most significantly however, it highlights how important the duty of the engineer is to society; to warn and to educate on the possible consequences of new technology and application. The Frankenstein story warns us that the time to address the ethical implications of genetic engineering is before we actually apply it [1]. Furthermore, science fiction literature provides an interesting insight into how the world has perceived genetic engineering and its consequences in a social and cultural sense. The idea of direct genetic control for the â€Å"betterment† of humanity started with evolutionary geneticist, J. B. S. Haldane’s book ‘Daedalus’, in 1924 [1]. The ethical consequences of genetic engineering are explored extensively in texts such as Andrew Niccol’s movie Gattaca (1997) and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932). Haldane’s vision is sharply satirized in these texts, reflective of the view society had taken after the fall of the eugenics movement in the 1930s. These texts are significant in our understanding of what might happen to society through gene determinism and the absolute acceptance and application of genetic engineering, as scientists at the Gene Therapy Policy Conference in 1997 â€Å"concluded that the possibilities [of germ line gene therapy] aren’t entirely in the realm of science fiction† [1]. Furthermore, the ethical issues discussed in these texts are repetitive, although being from different time periods. This suggests the significance and universality of the ethical risks associated with genetic engineering. The movie Gattaca released in 1997 is a bioethical text which explores the societal implications of genetic-determinism and genetic engineering and gives light to the consequences which may occur from new eugenics. Gattaca raises the issue that many problems associated with the new eugenics, such as genetic discrimination, genetic prophecy, and the homogenization of society [1] is not due to the technology itself, but instead these problems arise only if society accepts the belief that individuals are no more than the sum of their genes. In essence it challenges the notion of genetic determinism. Similarly Huxley within his dystopian novel, Brave New World, explores the ramifications of a society that has rejected Mother Nature in all forms and instead is governed by â€Å"controllers†, who dictate how, when and on whom genetic manipulation should be applied, with the overall goal to achieve absolute stability of a toaliatrian state. In this world, Individualism becomes non-existent and a sense of human integrity is eliminated, resulting in complete totalitarian control, in essence â€Å"a pessimistic accounting of the shape a scientifically planned community would take, of its sterility and human emptiness† [4]. One of the most crucial ethical concerns is the dilemma of genetic discrimination against those who are genetically unenhanced. Genetic engineering in humans implies that we can create an elite race of human beings which are superior to the common man or control genetic engineering in such a way as to create groups of altered beings each with predetermined roles in society. Arguably this gives rise to significant ethical concerns, especially in areas of reproduction where parents can alter the genetic makeup of an embryo before birth. While this is seen as an advantage in the scope of eliminating genes coding for certain diseases, it suggests a violation of humanitarian rights and discrimination between those who can afford the technology and those who cannot so that â€Å"a large fraction of human beings will be the victims of the omissions and commissions of science because they lack the material wealth and the social power to control their own lives† [1], as stated by evolutionary geneticist Richard Lewontin. Arguably this will differentiate people in the matter of career advancement and social relationships [3]. This is a prominent concept in Gattaca, as the protagonist despite being a suitable candidate for a job position is discriminated due to his unenhanced form, stating that in a world of genetic determinism â€Å"the best test score in the world wasn’t going to matter unless I had the blood test to go with it† [1]. As well as this, genetic enhancement challenges the concept of virtue ethics. If we have the power to combine all desirable traits together to enhance and elevate ourselves above other individuals, is it morally permissible to do so and will this lead to greater vanity and commercialism in mankind? Additionally how does this affect our relationship with others who either oppose the technology or cannot afford the luxury of such enhancement? Furthermore, genetic engineering in humans alludes to the development of new class structure within society which will widen the gap between the enhanced and unenhanced even further, questioning the right of all individuals to an equal quality of life. Discrimination of individuals has always been a universal predominant concern and significant measures are taken to protect the rights and welfare of citizens in society. Modern society in particular supports and appreciates the significance of egalitarianism. This has not been an easy venture for mankind as history shows us that previous class structures were difficult to dissolve and even today are not extinct. With genetic engineering and genetic discrimination however, the argument emerges that although we have made it illegal to discriminate people on the basis of race, religion and sex, by genetically engineering them we give rise to a new form of discrimination, one not so easily detectable, as Vincent in Gattaca states â€Å"it’s illegal to discriminate on the basis of genetics—genoism it’s called—but no one takes the laws seriously† [1]. These concerns are mirrored in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, where he demonstrates the stringent societal class order where Individuals are predetermined to be alpha, beta, gamma, delta or epsilons and are thus classified in the societal ladder as such. Each class has different genetic traits so to ensure they can carry out their predetermined role in society and are conditioned to enjoy their fate. Huxley presents such a blatant view of genetic discrimination to highlight the complete loss of individuals’ rights, free thinking and the ineffectiveness of those in power to carry out their duties to the public. The major ethical dilemma extends from the concept of utilitarianism, in which certain individuals have taken it upon themselves to control what all aspects of life for the â€Å"greater good of society†. This abolishes all concepts of virtue ethics as in a state of totalitarianism, individuals are discriminated against before they are born and have a chance to prove their worth, as Huxley demonstrates with the lower classes of society, who through gene manipulation are genetically stunted to ensure they will forever remain at the bottom rung of society. The prominence of genetic discrimination as one of the key ethical concerns in these texts highlights the fact that our societal problems are so universal that regardless of how or in which way society changes, the ethical implications of classism will inherently be the same although inflicted in a new form. Therefore a mechanism to sustain egalitarianism in society and retain the rights and freedom of individuals must be developed before we allow genetic engineering to become a stronghold in society, as although we may be advancing forward technologically, ethically we will be taking a step backwards. Additionally, genetic engineering in humans raises the profound ethical concern of losing one’s individuality in a genetically altered world and by extension losing moral autonomy. Genetically altered individuals would see themselves as a product of the deliberate intervention of others, giving rise to the misconception of self integrity. This ethical issue causes raises concerns of homogenous societies, which would violate the engineer’s Code of Ethics to â€Å"support and encourage diversity† [8]. This notion is explored extensively in Brave New World, which abolishes the importance of individualism and demonstrates the ways in which those who have access to gene altering technology can utilise it unethically for their own benefit. As a result we must question not only our self integrity but also who should be responsible for determining what traits can be modified. Here the ethical concern stems from the argument that those with the knowledge to implement the technology may reject the previous moral doctrines and create their own, based on their perception of moral relativism [5]. Huxley supports the view that individuals of a utilitarian predisposition will govern the world believing it is done for the â€Å"greater good of humanity†. Additionally, from the perspective of rights ethics, individuals in this world â€Å"†¦are refused any opportunity to plan their own property, change their role, rank or employment in society. Or even live permanently with another person of their choice† [4], thus rendering the rights of the individual non-existent. Additionally the government enforces strict utilitarian ideology, as it â€Å"believes that stability can be achieved if people think and look the same† [4]; and in doing so, these control agents fail to uphold their duties to their citizens, demonstrating a complete lack of respect for human value and dignity. This ethical concern of losing one’s autonomy and individualism is of paramount importance; as different civilisations throughout history have struggled to obtain freedom and a sense of identity. The portrayal of these notions in the mentioned texts, demonstrate that there is no compromise for humanity’s free will and sense of individuality, as this is seen as a basic humanitarian right. As a result, our support or rejection of human genetic engineering will focus on our examination on how this field will impose on our rights as human beings and free thinking individuals. Perhaps the most profound ethical concern regarding genetic engineering is the questioning of what it means to be human and if genetic engineering results in dehumanisation, destroying the concept of humanity as we know it? In a genetically altered world, do we define genetically engineered beings as human if they have no flaws? Such ethical questions challenge our perception of what makes us human and force us to examine whether there is a necessity in genetically altering ourselves if the advantages do not outweigh the possible consequences, as it can be argued that not every scientific advance automatically makes our lives more â€Å"meaningful† [6]. Both Huxley and Niccol examine this profound ethical concern in their texts, providing the conclusion that although we may alter our genetic makeup, we cannot alter the primal, immaterial characteristics of human beings such as our emotional vulnerability. Thus emotional variability, self awareness, will power and human spirit are all subject to human autonomy and while these remain we do not lose our integrity. In essence it is a rejection of the gene determinism ideology as we do not define our individuality on the basis of genetic makeup, since â€Å"there is no gene for the human spirit† [1]. In Gattaca, the essence of humanity is portrayed through the unenhanced Vincent, who overcomes his genetic heritage through shear motivation and will power, demonstrating that these qualities cannot be engineered, emerging instead from an individual’s motivation when confronted with the challenge of a specific context or environment. In this sense it is Vincent’s flaws which fuel his determination and lead to his ultimate success, not his genes. This is contrasted against the genetically enhanced characters, who suffer form the burden of perfection, as Gattaca poses the ethical dilemma that the expectations put upon the genetically enhanced to live up to their genetics are almost as debilitating as the discrimination against the unenhanced [1]. However the individual who has been engineered with no flaws, has nothing to overcome and no apparent need to improve, thus lacking the traits of will power and motivation that Vincent possessed. This is similar to the genetically engineered characters of Bernard and Helmholtz in Brave New World. They are dissatisfied with the limitations their â€Å"stable† society imposes, despite undergoing full conditioning [6]. These examples suggest that individual desires cannot be suppressed with social intervention and although genetic engineering may eliminate imperfections and flaws, it comes at price, which is that of emotional awareness and human spirit. Additionally, the most philosophical ethical concerns arise from a theoretical examination of how genetic engineering may influence the evolutionary process in the future. Genetic manipulation can be seen as a mechanism to aid humanity in adapting to new environmental conditions. Therefore in terms of evolutionary progress, we must question where genetic engineering places us. Are we speeding up the process of evolution or are we simply providing a new form of natural selection, one which is better suited to our technologically advanced context? So that over time, humanity as we know it will become non-existent having made way for the â€Å"superior† genetically enhanced beings. In the future if genetic engineering became widespread in society, will survival be dependent upon the extent and type of our genetic enhancement and if so, who governs these moral â€Å"absolutes†? Although not practical, these are interesting ethical dilemmas to consider. Essentially, we are approaching a point in history where we have the technology and the expertise to alter our genetic makeup in ways which seemed unthinkable even a decade ago [7]. Genetic engineering provides many advantages to human life such as eradicating disease and eliminating undesirable traits, however it also raises serious bioethical concerns such as those examined in Gattaca and Brave New World. We cannot restrict the advancement of science; rather we need to develop moral boundaries so that we can recognize the value of science without devaluing those who it is intended to serve [2]. Flaws in human genetic engineering cannot be undone and thus a serious examination of the possible ethical implications and consequences need to be determined by the scientist and engineers, so that this technology does not have a detrimental impact on future generation. List of References [1] Kirby, D 2000, The New Eugenics in Cinema: Genetic Determinism and Gene Therapy in GATTACA, Science fiction Studies, accessed 3rd October 2013, [2] Gleghorn, M 2001, Putting the Brakes on Human Genetic Engineering: Are We Speeding toward a Brave New World? Probe Ministries, accessed 1st October 2013 [3] D, P 2012, Loss of Privacy and Sense of Self, Desperado Philosophy, accessed 19th October 2013 [4] Gehlhaus, Jr R 1998, Brave New World: The Cost of Stability, Soma Web, accessed 29th September 2013 [5] Brave New World (1932), Literature & Film Search, assessed 12th October 2013, Bottom of F [6] Shakespeare, T 2000, Brave New World II, The Guardian, accessed 2nd October 2013 [7] Epstein, R1999, Ethical Dangers of Genetic Engineering, Institute for World Religions & San Francisco State University, accessed 2nd October 2013 [8] â€Å"Our Code of Ethics†, 2010, Engineer’s Australia, accessed 10th October 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

John Brown, an Abolitionist

â€Å"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. † – Edmund Burke Throughout the existence of slavery in America, white abolitionists have played a crucial role in the fight for the freedom of blacks. They all risked everything, and fueled by passion stepped outside of the societal norm to fight for those unable to fight. However, few white abolitionists caused as much controversy during their time as John Brown. Brown was an abolitionist who not only spoke out on his beliefs, but backed up them up with action.He was so contentious that he was able to be considered a hero and a terrorist at the same time. Although Brown’s actions were considered debatable, it can be agreed upon today that they were necessary. John Brown was born in 1800 into a deeply religious family with a father who was vigorously opposed to slavery. He went through many jobs including being a farmer, wool merchant, tanner, and land speculator, but was never fina ncially successful. He also traveled about the country living in places such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New York all while managing to father a total of twenty children.However, his lack of money and his family life didn’t stop him for fighting for what he believed in; the abolition of slavery. Though Brown was most famously known for his raid on Harpers Ferry, his involvement in anti-slavery had begun long before. And although he was known for being violent, not all of his efforts and actions resulted in bloodshed. He began his fight for slavery quite peacefully by giving some of his own land to fugitive slaves. He then adopted and raised a black baby with his wife as his own child.Brown had also participated in the Underground Railroad, helping the hiding and movement of black slaves throughout the country. In 1847 Brown had met the famous black abolitionist Frederick Douglas who described brown as â€Å"though a white gentleman, [Brown] is in sympathy a bla ck man, and as deeply interested in our case as though his own soul had been pierced with the iron of slavery† (Africans in America). By 1849 Brown had moved into the black community of North Elba, New York, where the blacks referred to him as â€Å"a kind father to them† (Africans in America).Looking at Brown’s proceedings at this point, it’s hard to imagine how someone who fought for something so good could be considered by many to be so bad. However, as time went on and the fight for freedom in America grew more widespread, Brown’s controversial methods and violence began to develop. Brown’s move in 1855 to the Kansas territory with his five sons was when he started to gain his major significance as a figure in the antislavery fight. During this time there was a huge debate going on if Kansas was going to be a free of slave state due to its new entrance as a territory.Brown saw this as a massive opportunity, and arrived heavily armed, expl oding with passion, and ready to fight. Brown was involved in numerous scuffles and hostilities, but one act led by him plunged Bleeding Kansas into more violence. Incensed by the sacking of Lawrence in May 1856 by pro-slavery supporters and the failure of the free-state men to retaliate, Brown led a midnight raid on a group of slavery sympathizers at Pottawatomie Creek. The raiders killed five men, which sparked the Battle of Black Jack and the border war that raged across northeast Kansas in the summer of 1856.He had also led an attack the same year on a proslavery town and brutally killed five of its settlers. Now Brown was commonly known as an outlaw, due to his increasingly violent methods of protest. However, his next and final act, the raid of Harpers Ferry, would be the most notorious moment in Brown’s life. Brown had spent the summer of 1858 looking to raise money to fund his war against slavery. He wanted to create an â€Å"army† that he would lead on a grand â€Å"battle† (Reynolds). This army consisted of he and 21 other men, 5 blacks and 16 whites, and the battle was a raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry.On October 16, 1856 Brown and his men, heavily armed with rifles, attacked Harpers Ferry in West Virginia (at that time it was just Virginia). His plan was to seize the 100,000 muskets and rifles that were located in the armory and use them to arm the local slaves. From there, they would head south, gathering more and more slaves from plantations, and fighting in a manner of â€Å"self defense† (Reynolds). He had even asked Harriet Tubman to join him in the raid; however she was ill and unable to join him.Her participation would have been interesting, and perhaps tragic, as she was the escaped slave that founded the Underground Railway. John’s plan was that the slaves would revolt and battle against their masters. However, this plan would not succeed. The Raid at Harpers Ferry would be a beginning to the Civil War and an end for John Brown. The raid initially went well, they were able to capture the armory due it being guarded by a single watchmen. They then rounded up hostages from some local farms, one being the great grad nephew of George Washington, and spread the news to the local slaves.Unfortunately, Brown and his men soon found themselves surrounded by the U. S Marines led by Colonel Robert E. Lee and were commanded to surrender. Brown initially refused, stating â€Å"No, I prefer to die here† (New World Encyclopedia). Soon the power of the Marines was too much, Brown had become wounded, and he and the survivors of the raid became detained. Brown was taken to Charleston, Virginia where he was given a trial. Before hearing his sentence Brown was permitted to make an address to the court, where he tried to tell the people to look at slavery in a different way.He spoke of the terrible treatment of slaves, how they were essentially unpaid laborers, how families were torn apart and sold, the terrible housing conditions, and how they were beaten and raped. He told the nation â€Å"†¦I believe to have interfered as I have done,†¦ in behalf of his despised poor, was not wrong, but right. Now, if it be deemed necessary that I should forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood of millions in the slave country whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments, I submit: so let it be done† (Trial of John Brown).John Brown was found guilty and convicted of treason and on December 2, 1859 he was hanged. On his way to be hung at the gallows, Brown had slipped a note to a fellow prisoner that read â€Å"I, John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land: will never be purged away: but with Blood. I had as I know think: vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed; it might be done† (Brogan pg. 309). Not only was this a last word for Brown, but it eerily seemed to also be a prophetic forewarning of the soon-to-come Civil War.After his trial and death, the news had circulated all over of Brown’s life and death. The controversy ignited immediately, as if the country was covered in gasoline and Brown’s death was the match dropped upon it. He had even been coined the name â€Å"the ‘spark’ that caused the Civil War† (Frye). According to some, he was an abolitionist martyr, and had inspired many to keep fighting for freedom. But to others, he was a madman, murderer, and terrorist whose death brought about relief. Brown’s death had â€Å"hurled the country into conundrum† (Frye). So was he the liberator of Kansas or simply a crazed maniac?What made it such a tough topic was that even for those who supported antislavery, what he was fighting for seemed right but the way he went about it was questionable. The day after he was executed, Abraham Lincoln had said â€Å" old John Brown has been executed for treason against the state, we cannot object, even though he agreed with us in thinking slavery was wrong. That cannot excuse violence, bloodshed, and treason. It could avail him nothing that he might think right now† (Striner pg. 101). However he did have many influential people that considered him to be a hero.Upon the news of his death, William Lloyd Garrison had said â€Å"was John Brown justified in his attempt? Yes, if Washington was in his. † Louisa May Alcott had called Brown â€Å"St. John the Just† and worshiped him (Frye). When Harriet Tubman heard the news of his death, she â€Å"mourned the death of her friends in the raid, and continued to hold John Brown as her hero† (Lewis). Henry David Thoreau had stated â€Å"No man in America has ever stood up so persistently and effectively for the dignity of human nature†¦Is it not possible that an individual may be right and a government wrong†¦Are laws t o be enforced simply because they were made† (Frye).The controversy that Brown had caused didn’t just exist during his time. Only fifty years ago, in 1959 (the midst of the civil rights movement) the Civil War Centennial Commission, established by Congress in September 1957 wanted to hold a celebratory remembrance of the Harpers Ferry Raid at the site in West Virginia. However research found that â€Å"The people of the South would be unanimous in opposition to any celebration of the John Brown raid, and most conservative people in the North would be strongly opposed to it† (Frye).It turned out that7/8ths of people at that time in the U. S were seriously concerned about the celebration. The one-eighth who weren’t? The African-American population. What made him so controversial is that when you have right and wrong clearly laid out, things aren’t that difficult to see. However, Brown didn’t just have people that were on his side, or not on his side. His violent way of fighting for the freedom of slaves caused people that generally were on his side, to find him too much of a hot topic to support, in a sense causing a division within the divisions.However, what wasn’t so clear then that is today is that those violent antics that got him into such trouble may in fact have been necessary as a desperate and final action that would in fact cause a physical reaction. John Brown knew that he had to pay the ultimate price in order to pursue his beliefs. That is what made him the abolitionist whose words and deeds provided the backbone and impetus for the Civil War and an end to slavery. His actions may have been extreme, but as seen repeated throughout history, the most influential figures and true fighters are the ones that didn’t just sit around and do nothing.Who John Brown was, what he stood for, and what made him such an important figure in American history can be seen in a quote by Edmund Burke, one of the few Englishmen who supported the American Revolution: â€Å"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. †

Monday, July 29, 2019

Angelas Ashes Comparative Commentary Essay Example for Free

Angela’s Ashes Comparative Commentary Essay Although these two passages taken from the memoirs; Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt and Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Sallinger, are similar to each other in some aspects, such as mood, perceptions and attitudes towards death etc., their society, culture, and their ages make the contrast between their styles. In the passage from Catcher in the Rye, we see the 17-years-old Holden going to his brother Allie’s grave. From his comments about his brother’s death, we start to interpret his immature and irreverent character. â€Å"I know it’s only his body and all that’s in the cemetery, and his soul’s in Heaven and all that crap†¦Ã¢â‚¬  On the other hand, just like Frank McCourt’s, Holden’s anger, sadness and resentment is seen by his mood and tone. The 5-years-old little Frankie is already witness to his sister Margaret’s death, and now he losts his little brother Oliver. In this scene, where Oliver is buried in the graveyard, Frankie tries to understand the things around him with his childish curiosity and responses. â€Å"I did not want to leave Oliver with them. I threw a rock at a jackdaw that waddled over toward Oliver’s grave.† Nevertheless, although his age, Holden’s inability to come to terms with his brother’s death makes him angry and resentful. â€Å"All the visitors could get in their cars and turn on their radios and all and then go someplace nice for dinner – everybody except Allie. I couldn’t stand it.† There are some hints in the passages which suggest about the culture, societies and time the two memoirs took place. Holden says â€Å"the visitors could get in their cars and turn on their radios and all and then go someplace nice for dinner†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , whereas Frankie says â€Å"we rode to the hospital in a carriage with a horse† and â€Å"My mother and Aunt Aggie cried, Grandma looked angry, Dad, Uncle Pa Keating, and Uncle Pat Sheehan looked sad but did not cry and I thought that if you’re a mean you can cry only when you have the black stuff that is called the pint.† The â€Å"carriage with a horse† and the people â€Å"running like hell over to their cars† â€Å"and turn on their radios† show us that the scene from Angela’s Ashes took place many years before Catcher in the Rye. Moreover, with Frankie’s childish comment about his family, the men in his family appear as drinkers; this suggests about the Irish culture which all men are drinkers. The same comment also clearly shows us the difference between women and men in their culture. We also see that the two characters’ families and societies are Christian, and believe in the life after death. Holden says â€Å"I know it’s only his body and all that’s in the cemetery, and his soul’s in Heaven and all that crap, but I couldn’t stand it anyway.† On the other hand Frankie explains, â€Å"Dad said I shouldn’t throw rocks at jackdaws, they might be somebody’s soul. I didn’t know what a soul was but I didn’t ask him because I didn’t care.† Their perception towards religion is the same; they both believe in what is taught to them, but in both cases the characters’ sadness and anger are much greater then their religion now, when they lost their brothers whom they love and were connected so much. â€Å"I wish he wasn’t there. You didn’t know him. If you’d known him, you’d know what I mean.† â€Å"Oliver was dead and I hated jackdaws.† Both Frankie and Holden are alone with their thoughts and feelings; they cannot share them with anyone. Holden is too immature and powerless to face his brother’s death and Frankie’s parents wouldn’t answer his question marks about death. The two narrative characters cannot talk about or express their sorrow, they have to keep it inside and divert it into anger and hate of other things or people around them. â€Å"I’d be a man someday and I’d come with a bag of rocks and I’d leave the graveyard littered with dead jackdaws.† â€Å"All the visitors in the cemetery started running like hell over to their cars. That’s what nearly drove me crazy.† Hence the two characters need to heal theirselves by something else; writing. Angela’s Ashes Comparative Commentary. (2017, Aug 22). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Diabetes Management in Primary Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Diabetes Management in Primary Care - Essay Example It is evident, that paying more attention to the way the management of diabetes is performed, may play for the benefit of the patient in the following ways: As diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world, and is often hereditary, affecting people of all ages, social and other statuses, this chronic disease should acquire new approach in its primary care. Diabetes mellitus is caused by a deficiency of, or insensitivity to, the hormone insulin, resulting in an inability to control the use and storage of glucose - blood glucose levels therefore rise.   There are two main types of diabetes:    Type 2 diabetes, previously referred to as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), which results from a relative deficiency of, or insensitivity to, insulin and is more commonly diagnosed over the age of 40. In managing diabetes, especially in its primary care stage, it is essential to remember about the meticulous metabolic control, which is one of the principal ways of preventing the possible complications of diabetes, or at least delaying them. It is, of course, understood, that the bigger portion of these complications may be prevented at the early stage in case they are detected in time and are managed in the proper way. The aims of the primary care in diabetes may be defined in the following way. The main aim of any care system in relation to diabetes, or any other chronic disease, is to provide people suffering from this disease with chances to live quality life as well as to reduce the complications. The keys to achieve these aims are in metabolic control, which should be performed on the constant basis with deep analysis of the received results, as well as the maintenance of the normal glucose level in blood to prevent the complications of diabetes. Any metabolic crises should be avoided. In managing

How to frame a picture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to frame a picture - Essay Example This paper then aims to guide a person who wants to frame his picture in order to make it more attractive. First and foremost, one has to choose the picture he wants to use depending on his inclinations, interests or available materials. When you already decided on the picture to use, collect other materials necessary for the project. You may choose to use wood or metal for the frame. Look for a wooden board in which to mount your picture. In case you do not have any wooden board, you can recycle from hard shoe boxes or similar materials. The sizes of these things will be based on the size of the picture and whether you decide to add borders or not. If you want to emphasize the beauty of your picture and keep it simple, you may take a wooden board that is in proportion to the size of the picture. The wood/metal which will be used on the sides of the picture should be cut to the desired sizes that perfectly fit the pictures. Of course you have to add a few inches to the length of the wood and the frames if you decide to add borders to the picture and their dimensions will depend on the me asurements of the picture and the borders. In addition, you will need glue sticks, a glue gun, glue, glass which is of the same size as the wooden board, felt paper or other similar materials for the borders and screws if you decide on the wooden frame. In choosing the color of your border, select one that complements prominent color of the picture. When you have all of your materials, you can now begin framing your picture. Cut the picture to the desired size and mount it on the wooden board, making sure that it has the same allowance for the borders. You may cut the felt paper or material of your choice to create beautiful designs for the border, measuring to cover the space on the wooden board. Glue them on the sides of the picture. When the picture is ready, you now position the glass on top of the mounted picture. Make sure to clean

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Organisational disasters occur as a result of ineffective decision Essay

Organisational disasters occur as a result of ineffective decision making. Assess the validity of this claim with reference to at least two different organisational disasters - Essay Example The need for continuous monitoring at every level of management is especially important because more than one level of management can be involved. Organisational disasters can be explained as a breakdown caused by organisational processes or procedures. Organisational disasters can be caused by conscious organisational activities and administrative evil, normal accident and safety and risk. The rapid growth of technology and the dramatically falling cost of computing capability means that more and more aspects of managerial planning and decision making can be assisted by information technology provided, of course, that the information system is developed in accordance with properly defined objectives and principles. Thus, it does not guarantee safety and effective planning so important for modern organisations. Following Edwards and Wajcman (2005) organisational disasters occur when â€Å"things go wrong† (p. 145). The researchers add that Apart from its inherent importance, the issue of mistakes and errors is valuable for several reasons. First, it is rarely addressed in studies of organisations. Not only is it absent from many standard textbooks, but it is also not discussed in a volume aiming to lay out the key approaches to strategy, even though overcoming errors might be seen as central to strategy (p. 146). Another important element of the effective performance is decision-making process. Decision-making influences organisational performance and future growth. Among all the operations of a business, it is decision making and planning of a strategic nature which makes the greatest demands for information on the external environment. It requires ongoing monitoring for developments which would change the position of the business in relation to its market or other environments, and ad hoc research for particular purposes. Decision-making has a great impact on performance because it determines the best practices and allows a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Telecommunication companies in uk (fixed line) Essay

Telecommunication companies in uk (fixed line) - Essay Example Reports have highlighted that the market volumes around the world are expected to rise to 1,180 million (Datamonitor, 2009). It has also been estimated that the voice only transmission segment generates as much as 61% of the overall market value and this amounts to almost $330.9 billion (Datamonitor, 2009). The non voice transmissions segment however generated revenue of about $204.6 billion in 2008 which totals to almost 38.2% of the market aggregate (Datamonitor, 2009). The history of telephone in Britain dates back to 1877, when telephone first arrived there. Sir William Thomson (later Lord Kelvin) demonstrated the primal telephone invented by Graham Bell to the British Association for the Advancement of Science assembly, which is situated at Glasgow in September 1876, giving its description as "the greatest by far of all the marvels of the electric telegraph" (Gow & Smith, 2006). However, the very first pair of handy telephones happened to be seen in Great Britain only in July 1877. William Preece who was the Chief Electrician of the Post Office brought this pair to UK. Later, after a few months passed, the British Association put the ‘perfected’ type of telephone by Graham Bell on display in a meeting at Plymouth. Finally, later in the year 1878, the British company took up the Bell patent and the Telephone Co. Ltd. was formed. This happens to be the oldest company in Telecommunication history of Europe, which later became well know n as BT (British Telecom). Here in, the first telephone line was set up. This was erected starting from Londons Hays Wharf at the south of the Thames stretching up to Hays Wharf Office on the northern side of the river (Connected Earth, 2007). This company later was amalgamated, taken over and eventually the control was transferred to state, under the control of the Post Office. This later became a privatized company, British Telecommunications private limited company; that serves 170 countries as on date (When

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Role and Participation of Women in the Mexican Revolution Essay

Role and Participation of Women in the Mexican Revolution - Essay Example The Mexican revolution is characterised by the effective participation of women. Before the Mexican revolution, the condition of women was equal to that of servants because they were isolated and controlled by men. The main characteristic of women life was concentrated around the family, marriage and religious controls. They were never considered to be capable of participating in any political or social matters. However, this situation has changed after the revolution. Thus, it transpires that the Mexican Revolution has transformed the position of women in the country and helped in empowering them as take an active part in political as well as social lives. The Mexican revolution (1910-1920) has played a vital role in the transformation of women’s role in the traditional Mexican society. Women’s participation in the revolution had changed the traditional concepts about them. They had actively participated in several phases in the revolution, which ultimately redefined t heir role in the traditional family. They started to come out of their home and travel to distant places. They also supported the revolution by taking care of the injured soldiers. Thus, they came out of the four walls of their homes and actively took part in the revolution. This made it possible for the first time to make women an active part of social activity. It was an unmatched experience in the lives of a large section of female population. During the revolution, some women even worked as spies, or worked for printing manifestos. Some of them went to the extent of manufacturing or running guns, while others remained directly involved in the revolution. Such an open participation in the revolution revealed that women were in no terms inferior than men. â€Å"As with any mass movement, a few individual women rose through the ranks to positions of command. Zapatista Colonel Rosa Bobadilla and journalist and activist Juana Gutierrez de Mendoza, who participated in drafting Zapata ’s Ayala Plan, are cases in point† (Monk par. 14). The spirit of the revolution received an extra boost with the entrance of the women into it. Many women writers got encouraged due to the revolution and supported it through their writings. Elena Poniatowska is one such writer. She noted in her book ‘Massacre in Mexico’ that â€Å"Women were responsible for much of the movement’s fighting spirit. I remember lots of the girl comrades.............from the med school at UNAM, and so on† (Poniatowska 91). Two famous Feminist Congresses were conducted during the revolution period. The role of women revolutionist thus remains significant in Mexican history. Their contribution to the Mexican revolution is highlighted in the works of many writers. Cassola’s photographs â€Å"reveal the Mexican people in late nineteenth and ..........His collections also include the only photographs of the woman soldaderas† (Martinez 148). The participati on of women in the revolution paved way to the future developments of the women community as a whole in the country. â€Å"Referring to the iconographic symbolic role of women, Sian ..........†women often appear to weigh more than their full weight in revolutionary circumstances† (Linhard 58). The participation of women in the revolution had given opportunity for them to face the society and thereby think for their own development. It was after the Mexican revol

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Heart Transplant Team Clinical Journal Term Paper

Heart Transplant Team Clinical Journal - Term Paper Example I have had the opportunity to attend to a number of heart transplant operations and carefully observed what transpires during this process. This has given me a background of the activities related to heart transplant operations. Secondly, I have had the opportunity to apply the nursing process in real life situation. In this regards, I have been able to collect a variety of population data from both the clinic and the community sources. I am now able to analyze such data both qualitatively and quantitatively. Basing on this knowledge, I am now able to help in the process of formulating goals and objectives for patient care and give an analytical feedback that can be applied in improving various nursing processes. I have reviewed cases regarding the determination of the need for health promotion and illness management shortcoming with the aim of implementing the best plan interventions basing on the best practice guidelines. Besides, I am now in a position to evaluate the effectivenes s plan interventions basing on the socio-cultural, economic, spiritual, environmental and developmental factors. I have had the opportunity to discuss with the preceptor on issues relating to the effectiveness, the evidence and the ethics of various plan interventions. ... I have established a rapport and gained as much client confidentiality as possible. Further, I am now able to carry out various documentation protocols, utilize the information technology systems and collaborate with my colleagues and staff effectively. Finally, with regards to professional practice, I am glad that I am better placed to maintain professional code of conduct and good behavior during practicum. Besides, I am now able to abide by all the agency’s regulations and policies. 2) What has been the most significant or meaningful learning outcome for you during clinical? The most eminent learning outcome I have achieved this far, is related to the application of the nursing process. Ever since my childhood, I have intrinsically wished to be a nurse. My efforts towards the achievement of this dreams has been inexorable. Thus, I feel great when I know I have the obligation to make a change in people’s lives. Application of the information I have gained in class in real-life clinical practice gives me am internal satisfaction I have always longed for. Seeing myself taking part in extending someone’s life and helping families hold onto their loved ones who are under my care, perpetuate my desire to take part in various other activities related to nursing activities. 3) As you reflect on your clinical experience, what knowledge and skills have you gained that will be helpful to you as a professional? Almost each and every learning outcome during my nursing training has been of great significance during my clinical experience. To begin with, the knowledge I have attained relating on how to attend to carry out patient interviews, perform physical assessments, obtain laboratory specimens and utilize specialty equipment has been very

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Hospitality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hospitality - Assignment Example An analysis of â€Å"How to Start a Bed and Breakfast† an article by Entrepreneur Media, informs of the various steps and issues to consider in order to start a profitable Bed and Breakfast (B&B). In the article, the Entrepreneur Media explores the different issues and steps to consider before starting a B&B business. From the introduction to the conclusion, the author arranges the work in simple steps that make it both precise and informative. The steps (each given a subtopic that is further subdivided into subheadings) make it easier for the reader to go through the all the steps, putting emphasis on points of interest. The author offers a conclusive definition of a B&B. Through a short description of the B&B before giving the definition, the article manages to catch the interest/attention of the audience and keep it glued to the end. That the introduction offers a short history of the development and existence of B&B’s from the revolution era, giving examples of specific houses, makes it informative and helpful. In the section labeled ‘Best of Both Worlds’, the introduction tackles the definition of a B&B in depth. It starts off with a rhetoric question that plays a significant role in arousing the curiosity of the reader and thus attracting his/her attention. The author asks, â€Å"What exactly is a bed and breakfast?†The article incorporates different definitions in terms of size, class, and the number of guest rooms that a B&B can accommodate, to answer the question. In addition, the article offers an extensive definition of the feature through an analysis of the serv ices offered in a B&B. To ensure credibility, the author cites different professional bodies and statistics, which also enhance the understanding of the issue.For instance, the author cites the California-based Professional Association of Innkeepers International (PAII). Moreover, the issue of profit-making in

Ethical Scrapbook Essay Example for Free

Ethical Scrapbook Essay The ethical scrapbook part two coincides with further evaluations in regard to 12 contemporary examples of different situations, and circumstances. With these 12 contemporary examples, in which further discusses each team member’s evaluation, and opinions of each example. These examples include: Police Acts of Kindness, People reaching out after hurricane Sandy, Daughter display of Kindness, Acts of Vigilantism, Community Revenge, Diana, the Hunter of Bus Drivers, Women Demand Respect, Salt March, Flying Pickets, and Sit-ins. In addition, these examples also include Poll tax Non-Payment, Professionals committing crimes, in which Kenneth Lay, along with Stuart Greenberg, and James Traficant who represents individuals who has the role of professionals committing such crimes. With these 12 contemporary examples, each team member’s goal is to decide if the particular individual makes the best decision given the circumstances and can one see himself or herself acting similarly in theses similar circumstances. With comparing one’s individual response as a team, these responses will permit answers pertaining to examples that generate an agreement between each team member. These examples will generate disagreement, along with the reflection of each disagreement in terms of an individual’s personal values. With further detail, one will also answer the following: laws for acting as a Good Samaritan. In addition, Vigilantism becoming a part of the criminal justice system when it fails, along with the circumstances of which one may violate the law in regard to enforcing the law. One’s opinion on civil disobedience becoming effective with changes to the law, along with certain laws to become in agreement when considering violating to change, and determining conditions that exist within a profession, excluding that of criminal justice professions, in which contributes to unethical behaviors. In  addition, deciding if the American society has become predisposed to ethical or unethical behaviors. Finalizing the summary is to identify the ethical considerations for both the future of the criminal justice system, and reducing ethical violations. With the 12 contemporary examples for each solution, team members will provide the best resolution of one’s opinion for every scenario. Police Acts of Kindness Review  The best decision of an individual in regard to Police Acts of Kindness, one answers that the police officers went out of his or her jurisdiction to assist children who are at a high-risk of involving themselves among other youth of troubling paths. These officers also assist with providing positive outcomes for the youth, instead of involvement in gang activity, and drug involvement. With this particular example, one may find themselves acting in the similar circumstances of the police officers. These circumstances involve the opportunity to help individuals, and believe one is making a difference in another person’s life. As a result, the experience becomes rewarding, and to have the personal knowledge that another individual’s goals have become meant. Hurricane Sandy Review The best decision of an individual in regard to hurricane Sandy, one may answer the outcome in giving freely. These acts of kindness and giving freely include free medical care to those who cannot afford medicine. In addition, an individual provides home electricity to charge cellphones of individuals to reach out to family and friends. If one could act similarly, individuals will not pay for medical care, and other non-perishable supplies. Daughter displays Kindness Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to a daughter displaying kindness, one may also answer to have the assurance of the community is an amazing accomplishment, in which helps both the sister and aunt readjust to life circumstances. If one could act similarly, making a negative situation in turn for something good is a self-fulfilling accomplishment. Community Revenge Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to community revenge, an arrest is the best resolution for this particular situation because of the involvement of the community, in which results with a positive outcome. If one could act similarly with this situation, one will become the target of vengeance for oneself, and other women. Diana-the Hunter of Bus Drivers Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to the hunter of bus drivers, law enforcement officials fail to provide justice for these women. As a result, these women begin to seek vengeance. If one could act similarly, one may also seek vengeance because of the traumatic experience these women endures. Women Demand Respect Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to women demanding respect, one may answer that the suffering of sexual harassment by men results in acts of Vigilante. With the acts of Vigilante, women have the best possible decision by hauling these men to law enforcement officials personally. Salt March Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to the Salt March, Gandhi makes the best possible decision by defying the empire over the salt monopoly. If one could act similarly, one will become in agreement to achieving the best outcome for everyone and not what is best for the government. Flying Pickets and Sit-ins Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to flying pickets and sit-ins because individuals believe to have better work situations for themselves, and coworkers. If one could act similarly, one will permit him or herself to better working conditions. Poll Tax Non-Payment Review The best possible decision of an individual in regard to poll tax non-payment is the exposure of the leader, in which becomes an effective tax collection process. If one could act similarly, these actions are helping the government and not hurting people one will permit his or her approval. Kenneth Lay Review The best possible decision Kenneth Lay demonstrates is his ability of obtaining financial gain within a company. As a result, Kenneth Lay did not fully demonstrate accuracy of the business and mishandles a large number of people’s money, in which causes he or she to commit suicide because they lost everything in the process. This individual did not make the best possible decision. If one could act similarly, one will not permit these types of actions by hurting those who has any involvement with the company. Stuart Greenberg Review Stuart Greenberg did not make the best possible decision because he did not remain truthful with his cases, in which discredits his professionalism. If one could act similarly, one will not become in agreement to act as such because one’s employment will become in jeopardy. James Traficant Review James Traficant did not make the best possible decision in regard to his staff. If one could act similarly, one will choose not to take advantage of innocent individuals. Reflection of Both Agreements and Disagreements The examples generating the most agreement between each team member include: (1) Daughter displays kindness, (2) People reach out after hurricane Sandy, (3) Police Acts of Kindness, (4) Women demand respect, along with (5) Flying Pickets, and sit-ins examples. The most least favorable example by each team member is the Diana, the hunter of bus drivers, Kenneth Lay, along with Stuart Greenberg. These examples reflect an individual’s personal value systems by the way, each situation displays unethical behaviors. Good Samaritan Law People have a natural tendency to help someone in distress, he or she believes the moral obligation to help, and serve other people but there are a few that would rather watch a person suffer in agony rather than assisting him or her. Jurisdictions should have a Good Samaritan law requiring an individual to help another individual if he or she becomes able, this can help provide the necessary assistance to the person until the proper authority arrives. In today’s day of frivolous lawsuits many people become  scarce to lend a hand and help a person in need. Individuals may choose to not become responsible for any damages one may create in regard to assisting another individual. Individuals may become more comfortable by recording events on his or her cell phone along uploading on YouTube. If there were laws requiring an individual to help another individual people in need can get the necessary assistance in a timely manner, and punish those that refuse to help someone in need . Permanence of Vigilantism, and One’s opinion of violating the Law The Criminal Justice System no longer displays strong management skills as new laws become into existence. These management skills will permit defense attorneys to finding loop holes in regard to protecting his or her clients. Many believe he or she requires the fulfillment of taking matters into his or her hands. Vigilantism should not become a part of any function if the criminal justice fails. In addition, just like the victim, the defendant has rights, and if he or she becomes innocent, the community must accept the judgment of the courts. There are many factors that influence the decision of the courts, in which most of the community becomes unaware of viable information. The one circumstance, in which the community obligates themselves with violating the law is to enforce the law in regard to the criminal justice system failing. In Detroit the community decides to take the law into his or her hands when the local authorities delays a rape investigation of a 15- year old girl, and the suspect becomes set free (Garcia, 2013). Civil Disobedience Becoming Effective in Changing the Law In one’s opinion, one may agree with civil disobedience becoming effective in regard to changing the law. Civil disobedience in one’s opinion, ushers the equality for minorities, along with the civil rights movement stemming from the 1960s continues to develop changes in the law. These changes also include the antiwar sentiments of the 1970s has become a change into the present, yet not as a benefit for those who want to do away with wars. The tea party has a change with the way politicians approach certain circumstances. The change one disagrees with is the gun ownership, and property rights. Gun ownership permits for more violence, and individuals do not fully understand the rules and regulations of gun laws. Individuals who  pose these guns find themselves on the other side of the law because of lack of knowledge in protecting themselves, including his or her property. An individual cannot protect him or herself from an intruder entering his or her property because certain laws exist that prohibits this type of gun use. Existing Conditions within a Profession Conditions that exist in a profession, in which excludes the criminal justice profession that contributes to unethical behavior include the role of leadership, and employees within his or her workplace are two examples of displaying unethical behaviors. The unethical behavior of leaders most often has consequences for him or her, along with followers, and his or her respective organizations (Chandler, 2009). Examples of these unethical behaviors by leaders in corporate businesses, religion, and government include individuals such as Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey Skilling of Enron, and former The United States Senator John Edwards from North Carolina. As a result of each of these individuals actions were one of pure humiliation. American Society, Ethical or Unethical American society can become a society of ethical or unethical individuals. Individuals who display ethical or unethical behaviors become an adaption at an early age. These behaviors establish the learning skills, and influences by adult peers. With the choice of becoming an ethical or unethical individual is the choice of the individual him or herself will permit to make. Ethical Considerations An ethical consideration becomes the rules, and regulations within any organization as well as the criminal justice system. One ethical consideration is to control the use of force by law enforcement officials. This ethical consideration requires a more strict, and ethical code of conduct for law enforcement officials. To reduce unethical violations within the criminal justice field, one must upgrade the punishment levels for individuals who violate the law. One may also believe in the efforts of a better policing practice, one must go through a series of training on a regular basis, in regard to keeping his or her skills up-to-date throughout his or her career of law enforcement. Conclusion A person can take any 12 examples of different situations and circumstances and not everyone will agree and as a criminal justice major one will become willing to see things from another individual’s point of view. Not everyone will agree with everything throughout life and acquiring a difference of opinion gives person ideas, and by obtaining different ideas one may work together as a team. If a person does not agree with someone’s way of thinking he or she may assume a person’s ideas or thoughts are already correct. For most people he or she will become accustom to another individual’s point of view, or by determining one’s theory may become of the truth. Throughout this assignment there have been ideas agreed and disagreed about and by talking and listen an agreement was met. References Garcia, A. (2013, August 12). Vigilante detroit residents attack suspected rapist after police fail to act. Retrieved from Chandler, D.J. (2009). The Perfect Storm of Leaders’ Unethical Behavior: A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Leadership Studies, Vol.51 Iss. 1, 2009. Retrieved from

Monday, July 22, 2019

The First Millenium Essay Example for Free

The First Millenium Essay The Year 1000 was once considered a year of apocalyptic proportions as biblical beliefs associated it with 1000 years after the Christ’s death. Historians in the 19th century had once imagined the terror during the climax of 1000 years. Without any serious argument, the notion was introduced despite many who chose to ignore the issue. Current views have however delineated eschatological sentiments of terror that once aroused religious transformations in the 11th century. Many historians have now effectively banished the thought which referenced a wrongful data without providing the solidified basis for such documentation. Lacey and Danzinger has however retrieved from England’s possession visible foundations of history through an old book written in black oak ink â€Å"sometime around the year 1020 probably by a cleric working in the manuscript studio of the Canterbury Cathedral† (p. 5). This book was later regarded as the Julius Work Calendar which provided basis for both authors of the discovery on what life was like a millennium after Christ’s death. The book actually focuses on the everyday lives of the Anglo-Saxons timed at the end of the first millennium. It strived to reconstruct the realities in a monthly tour throughout the period. The ordinary appearance of an English individual was then portrayed as â€Å"tall and people In Victorian England could not match our health or physique† (p.9). Yet â€Å"life was simple- as people wore sack-like tunics in colors that were less muddy† (p.10). No fashionable clothes were worn as people looked extremely uniform as a way of ease for the daily toils. In effect, life expectancy was also short â€Å"where a boy of 12 was old enough to swear an oath of allegiance to the king –while girls married easily in their teens† (p.10). When most adults die at an early age, people who lived well into midlife are considered respectable. At that time, England was able to sustain a â€Å"population of at least a million souls† where people were often grouped together as hunter-gatherers who lived in small groups and villages (p. 11). The simplicity was so pivotal in such that â€Å"cow dung, horse manure, sheep droppings and chicken shit† perforated the air (p.119). Men were also morally driven to religion as excitement is drawn upon a discussion and general arguments over the â€Å"observance of the Christian year† (p.12), â€Å"the lives of spirits and saints who lived their lives for the sake of Jesus’ teachings† (p. 17). England was in fact â€Å"a network of magical sites containing physical relics of at least 1 saint† (p. 19). Faith was in the main core of the simple society as peoples lives were entwined in the lives of saints. The â€Å"believer could even point to the bible which contained no less than 35 miracles in which Jesus defeated illness through the power of faith† (p. 122). Faith was therefore considered of highest consequence as people of the middle ages placed higher degrees of trust and faith. Every believer was highly aware that â€Å"sins were keeping the miraculous tradition alive† (p.122) and reliance to faith is highly a virtue. Faith in medicine was akin to belief in God. Persons during the period have an inkling of disease and illness. Folk remedy might have been applied with a hefty amount of religious conviction and care. Cures for maladies also involved â€Å"binding the stalk of herb crossword to the head with a red bandana while chilblains were to be treated with a mixture of ems, wine and fennel root† (126). Virility was also considered an important health matter that required â€Å"ministrations in the groin area with yellow lowered herb agrimony† (p. 126). Cleanliness was unheard of and people do not bathe as often as we do now. Nudity was even accepted in exchange for food and grain. During the time of the middle ages, the government existed under the rules of the king and his minions. Many may have not seen the king as â€Å"personal portraits did not exist† (p.17) and people were more familiar with the representatives of the church than with political persons. The lord of the land as the king’s minion was also considered the â€Å"loaf giver† (p.46-47) who would pay the Viking invaders at least â€Å"2000 pounds in gold and silver upon which payment invaders departed† (p. 14). In effect, people were highly dependent upon the immediate rulers of lands or village leaders for their safety. Slavery was consistent with the feudal system introduced by Viking invaders with Dublin operating the largest market. Typically everyone was in bondage where men expressed a â€Å"token of their fresh start or servitude† as opposed to prison or difficult times during famine (p. 45). Book Review Lacey, Robert and Danny Danzinger. The Year 1000: What Life Was Like at the Turn of the First Millenium: An Englishman’s World, 1st ed. Boston: Little Brown, 1999. The book Lacey and Danzinger wrote is considered a refreshing answer to the present day worries on the changes which a new millennium can bring. The simple fact that even social scientist were led to believe on the apocalyptic interpretations proved how social changed brought out the emergence of this belief based on the cultural perceptions of the Middles Ages. The daily dangers of life during the period were centered on possible famines which don’t actually happen very often†¦and if it did, for shorter periods. While the book provides a realistic knowledge of the middle ages negating a continued myth on eschatological findings, it still attempts to reap benefits for the common millennium beliefs. However historians alike will welcome the accomplishments that strive to understand medieval lives into a larger global context. While we get insights on the activities of a calendar year, the daily lives of peasants and aristocracies are also exposed. Practicality was the usual behavior of people in an agricultural society. After defining the social dynamics of the period based on the Jules Calendar, I can definitely support that any romantic visions of the Middle Ages should be discounted in favor of the truth based on research and finding both authors made supported by ample evidence of truth. Religion has overemphasized wrong notions that are inherited into our modern era in an unbalanced mysticism. Through Lacey and Danzinger, the powerful heresies of the first decades which looked into the image of the monks provided basis for a historical research to ensue with proper documentation of facts. Hope being the key for existence that promised to inspire even the practical pragmatic individuals was definitely believed in. The only points which the authors failed to consider are the discussion on the recorded events of the period as written by other authors based on the annals of Saint Armand, discussing a power shattering quake that anticipated a catastrophic event for the next millennium. While Lacey and Danzinger provided views disuniting the eschatological findings, they were not able to inundate any countermeasure against the popular voices of the apocalyptic myth or doomsday beliefs. They have the ample chance to disregard the works of the destructive prodigies whose perspectives dwelled on creating a negativist confirmation of religious chaos. Lacey and Danzinger can therefore do well to disorganize this idea in full and weaken any widespread beliefs on the â€Å"end of days†. While having the capacity to exorcised doomsday believers, Lacey and Danzinger left this out for readers to discover in a pragmatic way. Altogether however, I sing praises for this book that glorified human life in the Middle Ages. Both authors have gone a long way in explaining what life was about under moral religious theologies with their documentary evidence as proof. Through their conjectural terrain, I have accepted the confidence of history in a linear time of peasant and aristocratic existence in the middle Ages.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Mahindra and Mahindra: External Environment Analysis

Mahindra and Mahindra: External Environment Analysis A business cannot function in a shell. In order to exist and function effectively, a business has to act and react to what happens in the external environment. The aggregates of all conditions, events, and influences that surround and affect it says Keith Davis (Saleem Shaikh, Business Environment, 2010) The external environment of a business refers to all those factor that directly influence the working of a business. These factors are not in control of businesses, but it is extremely important for a business because they shape the kind of business activity one can have. The factors which influence the external environment of a business are: Political factors This means how the changes in the government policies, political systems and the approach and philosophy of the political party in existence influences the working of a business enterprise. Economic factors This means how a business is affected by the economy in terms of government spending, interest rates, taxation, exchange rates, global economic factors, infrastructure development, capital formation, etc. Social factors Every business organization operates in according to the norms of the society and to satisfy their needs. This means how the culture, values, beliefs, tastes, preferences and behavior of the consumers, households and communities affects the working of a business. Technological factors Technology is considered to be one of the most important factors which affect the business environment. It means how the rapid change and innovation in technologies affect the production process and help businesses to produce innovative products. Ecological factors Ecology is the study of environment which includes plants, animals, water, air, sunlight etc. These factors affect the working of a business organization considerably in a way that government has taken some legislative measures for the protection and control of pollution in the environment like The Water Act, 1974, The Air Act, 1981, The Environment Protection Act, 1986. Legal factors The legal environment plays a very important role in business. Every aspect of business is regulated by the law of the country. These include the laws related to industrial licensing, factory administration, payment of wages, company laws, import and export laws etc. In order to stay and survive successfully in the market for long term a business has to take in consideration all the above mentioned factors and change accordingly. These factors have affected the performance and long term sustainability of Mahindra and Mahindra to a large extent. Mahindra and Mahindra Mahindra Mahindra Limited is part of  Mahindra Group which is based in  Mumbai. The company was started in 1945 in  Ludhiana  as Mahindra Mohammed by the brothers K.C. Mahindra and J.C. Mahindra along with  Malik Ghulam Mohammed.It was changed to Mahindra Mahindra in 1948 and is currently headed by Anand Mahindra. It is now a US $7.1 billion Indian multinational. Mahindra is the only Indian company which manufactures top tractor brands in the world. Today it has its presence in almost every segment of the automobile industry, from two-wheelers to SUVS, CVS and UVS. Recently Mahindra acquired a majority stake in REVA Electric Car Co Ltd. (now called Mahindra REVA). The Mahindra Group expanded its IT portfolio when Tech Mahindra acquired the leading global business and information technology services company, Satyam Computer Services. The company is now known as Mahindra Satyam. Mahindra Mahindra has diversified its businesses into various sectors which are: Automotive sector Two wheeler sector Farm equipment sector Hospitality sector Information technology sector Factors influencing Mahindra and Mahindra in its various business sectors (P)olitical factors Automotive, Two wheeler and farm equipment sectors In 2002, the government of India formulated an auto policy that aimed at promoting integrated, enduring and self-sustained growth of the Indian automotive industry. The approval for foreign equity investment up to 100% in the automotive sector was allowed and minimum investment criteria disallowed. The government promoted establishments of international companies for manufacturing small, affordable passenger cars as well as tractor and two wheelers. The government assisted the development of vehicle propelled by alternate energy source. The government formulated plans to have a terminal life policy for Commercial Vehicles along with incentives for replacement for such vehicles. It also promoted multi-model transportation and the implementation of mass rapid transportation system. These political influences have lead Mahindra and Mahindra to increase production of its vehicles and inflow of foreign investments. Also the development of alternate energy source vehicles has led Mahindra to acquire majority stake in REVA electric car co ltd. Hospitality sector It includes the central governments legal issues and regulations. This includes various Laws and Acts passed out by the government in Hospitality sector some of which are as follows: The influences of these political acts has led to the commencement of Mahindra holidays and resorts limited in 1996, offering family holidays in India and abroad. This has helped the company to grow immensely. Information technology sector The IT industry of India suffered political instability for a few years but it has been stable since 1999. The Indian government has decided to contract IT job to Indian IT companies creating more opportunities for the company and the industry at large. Consumer protection laws, competitive regulations and terrorist attacks are other factors to be considered. The Indian it sector does not much influence of political stability, so if the government changes it has little effect on the industry. These political forces have led Tech Mahindra in the leaders category with a hugely successful public issue in 2006. Changes in the political conditions have allowed many companies to enter IT sector like Mahindra Mahindra. This has lead to establishment of tech Mahindra by the Mahindra group and acquisition of Satyam. (E)conomical factors Automotive, two wheeler and farm equipment sector The automobile companies are reorganizing their sales process due to economic pressure on the industry. The government has granted concessions, by reducing the interest rates for export financing. The growth of Indian economy at the rate of 8.5% per annum has had a great influence on the automotive sector in India. Also the growth in the manufacturing sector at the rate of 8-10 % per annum in the last few years has influenced the growth of this sector. The globalization of India economy has led to the participation of several Indian firms with global players.  While some have formed joint ventures with equity participation, other also has entered into technology tie-ups. These changes have allowed Mahindra to expand its market and grow rapidly in India as well as abroad. Hospitality sector The economic factors have a direct influence on the hospitality sector of a business this is because if there is inflation then the rates will rise quickly, keeping in mind there are two sides to it. The hospitality sector is directly linked with tourism industry. Tourism has become the number one export earner for India and this is only possible due to diversification of the economy. The economic growth of the country has led to the expansion of Mahindra into this sector by establishment of Mahindra holidays and resorts. Information technology sector The IT industry is being affected by lots of economic factors ranging from rising working pay, global recession, competition, contract availability and fee. In 2009 the domestic IT spending grew by 20 % and reached $20 billion. During the last global recession currency fluctuation caused devaluation of dollar which has affected the industry. The recession has also led to decline in jobs which has affected this sector. With the decline of banking and financial sectors, the revenue from them is expected to decline hurting the IT industry which has had its impact on tech Mahindra as well. (S)ocial factors Automotive, two wheeler and farm equipment sector The changed lifestyle of people has led to increased purchase of automobiles, so automobile sector have a large customer base to serve. The increase in the income level of consumer as increased the buying power of people. In India, today 85% of cars are financed in India. Indian customers are highly educated and well informed. They are price sensitive as well and put lot of importance on value for money .Preference for small and compact cars in the Indian market has also increased. They are socially acceptable even amongst the well off. People these days prefer fuel efficient cars with low running costs which Mahindra has ventured into like Mahindra Renault, Scorpio, Xylo etc. Hospitality sector This includes all the social and cultural trends which have been affecting the industry. The changing expectation of consumers towards the hospitality experience. The consumers expect to be catered for their hospitality needs. The consumers want to feel that they are in control of their hospitality experience. Social networking plays an important part in the growth of this sector for a firm which helps the companies the companies to relate in a better way with the consumers. The increase in wealth of consumes due to increase in their income has led to change in their taste towards luxurious living and travelling which creates more business for firms operating n this sector due to which Mahindra has grown. Information technology There are lots of social factors affecting the IT sector which ranges from language barriers, employee rights and race rationality of the company and other issues. The IT industry is also affected by the change in consumer behavior which is supported by the fact that different consumers have different taste. The social issues like global warming are also concern for this industry and the shift of society towards education which includes opening up of universities and institutes in India offering IT education which produces large number of students joining IT industry which is also benefiting Mahindra and Mahindra. (T)echnological factors Automotive, two wheeler and farm equipment sector There are more emphasis laid on research and development in terms of technology in this sector which has contributed to innovation. The government of India is also promoting National Automotive testing and research and development infrastructure project. Technological solution helps in integrating the supply chain, hence reduce losses and increase profitability. With the development and evolution of alternate fuels, hybrid cars have made entry into the market also global companies like Audi, BMW, Hyundai have setup their manufacturing units in India. Mahindra and Mahindra is providing customized solutions and designer cars with new technology Hospitality sector Advancing technology has contributed a lot for the growth of firms in hospitality sector due to which the hotel receive reservations in advance through the net. People get all the information about the hotels through agents online. With the advent of computer the airlines allow the travel agents to view their flight inventories and rates in real time. Soon the airlines also added hotels and car rental companies to their computes so that agents could book the entire guest travel through their computer. Today more than 70% of hotel reservations are done electronically from which Mahindra and Mahindra has taken advantage. Information technology The changes in technological sector have impacted the growth and development of various companies. It has also forced other companies whose core business is not in IT sector to venture in this sector for example Mahindra and Tata. The present conditions are mainly due to the result that the masses have become techno savvy and there is a lot of potential in this sector. (L)egal factors Automotive sector The legal angle to the automotive sector has undergone a sea change during the last 50 years and Mahindra and Mahindra has been able to cope up with the same. As more and more stricter norms regarding environmental pollution has come into effect so Mahindra and Mahindra has brought new technology into their products to address to the legal applications and this constant endeavor of the Mahindra group has enabled it to constantly abide by the laws and rules and regulations of India and the worlds over. Hospitality sector The rules and regulations regarding the hospitality industry have also changed and as a result Mahindra and Mahindra have to adjust themselves according to the same and they have tried to adjust to the same also Information technology Sector Government of India has opened up the IT sector in India and has made the laws very lenient so that the business community can benefit from the same. This has led the Mahindra and Mahindra to launch Tech Mahindra as their Brand and acquisition of Satyam co (E)cological factors Automotive sector, two wheeler and farm equipment sector The physical infrastructure of country such as bridges and roads affect the use of automobiles. If there are smooth roads available then it will affect the use of automobiles. The environment and weather conditions also affect the use of automobiles in the country. If the environment is pleasant then the use of automobiles will be more. The entry of global companies in the Indian environment has led to advancement in the products and the production process of Mahindra and Mahindra. Hospitality sector The environmental factors gained prominence because of deteriorating environmental balance which is threatening the sustainability of environment and nature. Hospitality sector is very much responsible for releasing out chemical effluence drained out in water making it unfit for use and also the draining out non bio degradable recourses such as polythene in the environment affecting the chain adversely. There has been many rules and act passed for this sector which the companies have to work accordingly. This industry is directly influenced by tourism. The natural and cultural sites led to attraction of tourists and also the natural landforms and environmental conditions influence the choice of destination of Mahindra hotels which has led to its growth. Information technology sector The ecological environment has affects and influence in IT sector in various ways. For this there have been conservation and protection issues because of deteriorating environmental balance. Largely, businesses are also held responsible for such situations as emissions from these industries pollute water, air and effect bio chain adversely and expose people to hazardous radiations bringing their lives in danger. These have implications for various firms in this sector and how the manufacturing process takes place in Tech Mahindra. Conclusion: Mahindra and Mahindra has grown steadily in size and structure and has evolved into a huge group and occupies a premium position in various key sectors of the economy. It has gained a substantial and a sustainable growth in the industry by coping up with various changes in the environment it exists in. The above mentioned factors has impacted its various business sectors and led to the formation of a highly successful company. The above analysis leads us to the conclusion that Mahindra and Mahindra have transformed themselves into a very successful business enterprise and have evolved themselves as a very important constituent of the Indian and the global economy. Mahindra and Mahindra have expanded themselves into various industrial sectors like defence, automobile, hospitality etc. and have diversified at the same time. Mahindra and Mahindra has shown that how the various changes in the business environment can be explored and exploited by any business for its own gain and the gain of the economy as a whole.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Cause Of Being Unhappy :: essays research papers

People sometimes become unhappy. Although I spend pleasant time with my host family and friends, I also have something that makes angry, disappoint, and sad. There are three major causes which make people unhappy; the violation of their privacy, failure, and sickness. First of all, people become unhappy when their privacy is violated. It is very important for people to have their own privacy, so when it is intruded by others, they feel very uncomfortable and irritated. I have an experience that I was very angry and unhappy because of the violation of my privacy by one of my friends. One day, she visited me when I was out. There was a misunderstanding between her and me. I thought the promise was canceled, but she thought it still stood. She told my hot mother that she wanted wait for me in my room, and she entered my room and played my CD player while I had gone. I got very angry and uncomfortable, because she intruded my private space without asking me. People become very unhappy by the violation of their privacy. Secondly, when people fail to do something, they feel unhappy. Although it is meaningful for them, people are disappointed at their own helplessness and inability when they have a failure. For example, the other day, I tried to change my phone service because my bill was expensive. I called my telephone company and explain what I wanted to do. However, the staff of the company said, ?gI don?ft understand what you are talking about.?h After all, I could not make a change of my service, because I could not speak English very well. I was very disappointed at my poor English. When people fail to do something, they are discouraged at themselves. Finally, people feel unhappy because of disease. When people are sick, they always become unhappy. A week ago, I caught a bad cold. Suddenly, I had fever at night, and I took a

Portents of the Monotheocracy in The Handmaids Tale Essay -- Handmaid

Portents of the Monotheocracy in The Handmaid's Tale  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   American society has had certain cultural and political forces which have proliferated over the past few decades-described as the return to traditional Christian values. Television commercials promoting family values followed by endorsements from specific denominations are on the rise. As the public has become more aware of a shift in the cultural and political climate through the mass media, Margaret Atwood, in writing The Handmaid's Tale, could have been similarly affected by this growing awareness of the public consciousness. This may have led Atwood to write of a bleak future for the country where a new regime is established and one religion becomes so powerful as to take over the nation by a military coup, subjugating women into archaic stereotypical female roles.            Two of these forces, as reflected in the novel, are misogyny among Christian men and the rising political power of the Religious Right. Both are insidious because the real agendas are often couched in the authority of the Bible, and both serve to oppress women and their rights. Christian misogyny, like the brainwashing at the Red Center and ceremonial scripture readings preceding sexual intercourse in The Handmaid's Tale, keeps its foothold on the necks of women by distorting the meaning of Biblical scripture. In the case of the Religious Right, its tenets would abridge not only some of women's rights, such as the availability of abortion, but would also infringe on religious freedom for all Americans. In its forays into the political system, more recently through its Christian Coalition, the Religious Right, like Christian misogynists, interprets scripture to support its movement to meet... Robertson's Agenda for America: a Marriage of Religion and Politics." USA Today. July 1996. 30. Works Cited Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid's Tale. New York: Fawcett Crest, 1985. Boston, Robert. Why the Religious Right is Wrong: About Separation of Church and State. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1993. Doerr, Edd. "Pat Robertson's Agenda for America: a Marriage of Religion and Politics." USA Today. July, 1996. 30 Gushee, Steve. "TV Series Chronicles Rise of Religious Right." The Palm Beach Post. September 27, 1996. 1F. Rinck, Margaret. Christian Men Who Hate Women. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Pyranee Books, 1990. Trotter, F. Thomas. "Bible Frequently Quoted Carelessly for Political Points." The Nashville Banner. September 28, 1995. A7. Wallsten, Peter. "Church Meets State." St. Petersburg Times. February 16, 1997. 1D. Â